The Israel Federation does not speak for me

Dear Editor:

I write to protest the Jewish Federation of Ulster County calling for the resignation of New Paltz Deputy Mayor Alexandra Wojcik. As I understand it, the Deputy Mayor reposted a critique of the brutal police treatment of student protestors at SUNY New Paltz. This reposting resulted in the Jewish Congregation of New Paltz sending an open letter to Deputy Mayor Wojcik criticizing the use of "antisemitic" tropes. In particular, she was singled out for the post's reference to the "geopolitical interests of Zionism", which is strange, as Zionism is, quite simply a political movement which calls for a state in a particular geographical area. The article contains neither the "offending" post, nor the actual letter from the Jewish Congregation. Deputy Mayor Wojcik requested a meeting for discussion. Then, the Jewish Federation decided to pile on, by calling for her resignation.

It is entirely within the rights of a synagogue, or a church, or a mosque to ask for a meeting with an office holder who they believe may have written or endorsed what they perceive to be language which is offensive to their congregants. It is, however, undemocratic for an organization to demand the resignation of an office holder.

The Ulster County Jewish Federation should more rightly be named the Ulster County Israel Federation, as their sole purpose appears to be defense of Israel. The Israel Federation is so extreme in their support of Israel that they are currently embarked on blocking a ceasefire resolution in Kingston, at the same time that tens of thousand of Israelis are demonstrating in the streets of Israel demanding a ceasefire. They are organizing, using hysterical language to block a ceasefire resolution at the same time that the US is promoting a ceasefire plan for Israel, which Hamas is willing to accept.

The Israel Federation does not speak for me. I am an American Jew, not Israeli, Israel is not my country, and never was.

Marcy London