Resist the Witchhunt

During the 1950s, careers and reputations were ruined when Americans “soft on communism” were branded enemies of the state. I never thought I would see the same poisonous attacks on citizens doing much-needed work for their communities, but it’s happening across the nation and here in Ulster County. 

 Here’s an example: New Paltz Deputy Mayor Alexandria Wojcik reposted calls for a ceasefire and end to the violence in Gaza written by SUNY New Paltz student groups. On May 28, the Jewish Congregation of New Paltz sent a letter objecting to “the antisemitic tone of the language” which “made our families feel unsafe.” Though the posts are long gone and Wojcik has 20 years of community service to her credit, the backlash has escalated with calls by the Jewish Federation of Ulster Co. for her resignation. Language is important, especially on this sensitive issue, but the abuse of language by JFUC President RonDavid Gold— “supports Hamas”, “outrageous attacks on Jews,” “violence against our people”— is meant to enflame and destroy. It’s the language of a witchhunt, hungry for power and victims. Reason and fairness are the only standards Wojcik should be judged by. No one deserves to be flayed by rumor and innuendo.