Kingston spends $347,753 to support Israel’s military budget.

he Kingston Common Council has been considering a resolution endorsing an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and divestment from Israel. It’s time to vote for it.

As our federal government continues arming Israel’s genocidal attacks on Palestinians, with a death toll almost certainly exceeding 40,000, and famine impending, our electeds need to listen to the majority public sentiment demanding an end to the carnage. Our local governments may be the only place voters can actually be heard without lobbyists and political contributions swaying the outcome.

Some have argued it’s not the council’s business. However, it is our taxes that are paying for Israel’s war. Every year, city of Kingston residents contribute $347,753 to support Israel’s military budget. This year, that sum is more than $1,500,000. I think that makes it our business.

Some have argued the resolution is “divisive.” It’s hard to imagine why a resolution in favor of peace and an end to killing is divisive. Those who are afraid of calling for an end to a genocide should ask themselves why.

— Felice Gelman