Donors tell a story

To the editor:

HV1’s recent article about Sarahana Shrestha and her opponent, Gabi Madden, includes lists of their top ten contributors. This little detail tells quite a story. Madden’s donors all contributed $3000, the maximum allowed. Two couples each contributed $3K ($6000 from those households). Almost all are venture capitalists or bankers. Most notably, not a single person on the list is from our district.

In contrast, six of Sarahana's ten highest contributors live in our district. Their average donation is $930.

Sarahana will not accept donations from corporations, CEOs, or corporate lobbyists. Madden will. She is also supported by Solidarity PAC, a political advocacy group opposing candidates who have called for a ceasefire in Gaza--a position shared by a majority of Americans.

Sarahana Shrestha has done extraordinary work on our behalf, including her key role in passing the historic Build Public Renewables Act. She has spent two years doing the essential groundwork to pass legislation that will make life better for ordinary people, not just the wealthy and big business. This takes time. It is in our own interests to make sure she has another term to bring that work to fulfillment. 
Jo Salas