Resist the Witchhunt

During the 1950s, careers and reputations were ruined when Americans “soft on communism” were branded enemies of the state. I never thought I would see the same poisonous attacks on citizens doing much-needed work for their communities, but it’s happening across the nation and here in Ulster County. 

 Here’s an example: New Paltz Deputy Mayor Alexandria Wojcik reposted calls for a ceasefire and end to the violence in Gaza written by SUNY New Paltz student groups. On May 28, the Jewish Congregation of New Paltz sent a letter objecting to “the antisemitic tone of the language” which “made our families feel unsafe.” Though the posts are long gone and Wojcik has 20 years of community service to her credit, the backlash has escalated with calls by the Jewish Federation of Ulster Co. for her resignation. Language is important, especially on this sensitive issue, but the abuse of language by JFUC President RonDavid Gold— “supports Hamas”, “outrageous attacks on Jews,” “violence against our people”— is meant to enflame and destroy. It’s the language of a witchhunt, hungry for power and victims. Reason and fairness are the only standards Wojcik should be judged by. No one deserves to be flayed by rumor and innuendo.

College demonstrations helped raise awareness

Neil Yetwin’s June 1 letter, (“What did protesters really accomplish?”) asserted the university campus protests concerning the Israeli war accomplished nothing.

What has the Israeli-U.S. genocide in Gaza accomplished? Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed, including 15,000 children and 10,000 women, more than 80,000 injured, and thousands buried in the rubble. Nearly all Gaza residents are terrorized, traumatized, homeless, exhausted and malnourished.

The entire world is watching Israel starve and bomb children to death. Israeli leaders have never looked worse, and they say the Gaza war may continue until next winter.

Israeli belligerence and violence in what remains of the Palestinian West Bank has risen sharply since 2023 as have Palestinian fatalities.

Almost 1,800 Israelis were killed and at least 3,500 wounded.

Billions now know what a Palestinian flag looks like. New, powerful, anti-war movements exist in the United States and other nations. Millions of Americans have been educated via the campus protests and many ceasefire resolutions enacted by local governments, labor unions, and civil society groups. Widening divisions exist among U.S. Jews. Anti-Zionist Jewish groups are much stronger. The war has stimulated antisemitism, decreasing Jewish safety.

Israel is more isolated internationally. The International Criminal Court may soon indict Israeli and Hamas leaders. Israel, with U.S. support, defies an International Court of Justice order.

United Nations agencies and structures are seen as ineffective. The 19-year-old Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaign targeting Israel is stronger. Many now believe the international community will have to rein in Israel.

Tom Ellis

The term antisemitism

The term antisemitism has completed its long journey from the Third Reich and the Holocaust to its new home with white supremacists in the United States. The Lawler Bill, which just passed in the House, defines any criticism of Israel as antisemitism and threatens our nation's colleges with loss of their non profit status. Listening to right wing politicians attacking our universities using antisemitism as a weapon seems beyond belief. These are the same politicians who want to put more Blacks in jail, send all immigrants back to where they came from, are openly homophobic and misogynistic, and who fervently believe that Jesus is coming down to kill all Jews in the Holy Land. In short, how did antisemitism become the battle cry for the fascist elements of our society?

Zionism is fascism, with all the trademarks of its violence, racism and nationalism. Zionists want control over what's discussed in our colleges and non profit organizations. That has always been a critical step in the fascist agenda.

Another step is the targeting of businesses based on ethnicity and religion, like the recent Zionist attack on the Petit Bistro, a Palestinian owned restaurant in Rhinebeck. Such assaults resemble Nazis tactics in 1938. In fact, the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza is similar to the wholesale extermination of Jews and Gypsies that occurred during the Third Reich.

We must come together as a country and demand that this current fascist Zionist movement not destroy our democracy or our basic humanity.

Fred Nagel

Donors tell a story

To the editor:

HV1’s recent article about Sarahana Shrestha and her opponent, Gabi Madden, includes lists of their top ten contributors. This little detail tells quite a story. Madden’s donors all contributed $3000, the maximum allowed. Two couples each contributed $3K ($6000 from those households). Almost all are venture capitalists or bankers. Most notably, not a single person on the list is from our district.

In contrast, six of Sarahana's ten highest contributors live in our district. Their average donation is $930.

Sarahana will not accept donations from corporations, CEOs, or corporate lobbyists. Madden will. She is also supported by Solidarity PAC, a political advocacy group opposing candidates who have called for a ceasefire in Gaza--a position shared by a majority of Americans.

Sarahana Shrestha has done extraordinary work on our behalf, including her key role in passing the historic Build Public Renewables Act. She has spent two years doing the essential groundwork to pass legislation that will make life better for ordinary people, not just the wealthy and big business. This takes time. It is in our own interests to make sure she has another term to bring that work to fulfillment. 
Jo Salas

Kingston spends $347,753 to support Israel’s military budget.

he Kingston Common Council has been considering a resolution endorsing an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and divestment from Israel. It’s time to vote for it.

As our federal government continues arming Israel’s genocidal attacks on Palestinians, with a death toll almost certainly exceeding 40,000, and famine impending, our electeds need to listen to the majority public sentiment demanding an end to the carnage. Our local governments may be the only place voters can actually be heard without lobbyists and political contributions swaying the outcome.

Some have argued it’s not the council’s business. However, it is our taxes that are paying for Israel’s war. Every year, city of Kingston residents contribute $347,753 to support Israel’s military budget. This year, that sum is more than $1,500,000. I think that makes it our business.

Some have argued the resolution is “divisive.” It’s hard to imagine why a resolution in favor of peace and an end to killing is divisive. Those who are afraid of calling for an end to a genocide should ask themselves why.

— Felice Gelman

Yet Another War Crime


Yet Another War Crime

A few days ago, Israeli troops, apparently aided by US soldiers freed 4 hostages held by Hamas while massacring more that 200 Palestinian men, women and children. UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese wrote that she was "Relieved that four hostages have been released. It should not have come at the expense of at least 200 Palestinians, including children, killed and over 400 injured by Israel and allegedly foreign soldiers, while perfidiously hiding in an aid truck. This is "humanitarian camouflage" at another level. Israel has used hostages to legitimise killing, injuring, maiming, starving and traumatising Palestinians in Gaza. And while intensifying violence against Palestinians in the rest of the occupied territory and Israel. Israel could have freed all hostages, alive and intact, 8 months ago when the first ceasfire and hostage exchange was put on the table. Yet, Israel refused in order to continue to destroy Gaza and the Palestinians as a people. This is genocidal intent turned into action. Crystal clear.
Meanwhile my friend Bassem Tamimi, one of the finest human beings I have ever known has been released after more than 8 months of captivity, torture and starvation by the Israelis. I include the before and after pictures. This is what they did to a man who has been standing up for his people and his village against occupation. I know his family, as a Jew, I slept in his home, ate his food…this is what they did to him. There is no excuse, no justification, none for what Israel is doing. 
Tarak Kauff 


Israel is a deranged sect

President Biden talks about American "red lines," that protect Palestinians from an ongoing extermination. But these red lines are just another blatant lie; there is no pause in the US support for genocide.

It turns out that people have their own red lines. For me, Israel's recent threats to the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court is my limit. Not only did Israel threaten at least two prosecutors, but its secret intelligence agency also menaced their families. So much for Israel's respect for international justice.

Israel's starving tens of thousands of children in Gaza and its incessant bombing of their refugee camps have shown the state of Israel to be a world pariah. Its entire reason for being is racist violence and murder. That explains Israel's fascist alliance with the ultra right wing in our own country. Zionism is the poison that will bring down both our democracies.

And I don't care what religion Israel claims to be. No religion on earth can justify its endless war crimes and crimes against humanity. At times Israel seems more like a deranged sect, hell bound for self destruction. And we may all end up having to sip its cool-aid. Israel is a nuclear power run by a madman.

We have a new generation that understands what Israel is: the unhinged colony of a crumbling empire. It is not a legitimate state, just like Apartheid South Africa was not worthy of existence. Time to delegitimize the racist and fascist state of Israel.

Fred Nagel

To The White House

To The White House


You warned Israel about attacking Rafah and implied that US policy toward Israel would depend upon whether Israel protected civilians. Israel has responded by bombing a civilian tent camp, killing scores, killing World Central Kitchen workers, and now by bombing a crowded UNRWA school. Incredibly, you do nothing, sticking to your blind, cowardly "unshakable" support of the Zionist entity, taking the word of those liars that these incidents were just regrettable mistakes, etc. You bark a lot, but your bite is toothless, old man! No wonder Hunter turned out like he did.
I'm glad this message is being archived. Someday it and others like it may be available to document your moral dereliction in the genocide against the Palestinian people.

Gregory DeSylva

Nothing to apologize for

Stop attacks on New Paltz deputy mayor

New Paltz Women in Black support deputy mayor Alexandria Wojcik and reject attacks on her for reposting statements from the SUNY student encampment about Zionism.

Zionism is a 19th-century philosophy from the Age of Colonialism, offering a Jewish homeland at the expense of the indigenous Palestinians who already had a thriving civilization in that region. Palestine was NEVER a land without people for people without a land. Early Zionists — and even today’s Zionist leaders — were quite frank about the need to remove the native population from the land in order to secure it for Jews only.

Just as Netanyahu and his government and the “extremist” Israeli settlers in the West Bank, and the Israeli army with its snipers and bulldozers, are forcing Palestinians off their land every day — killing them, burning their homes, uprooting their olive trees, scattering their flocks — in just that way Israel is trying to destroy as much Palestinian life and culture as possible in its war on Gaza. Israel has not just aimed at Hamas fighters; it has destroyed every school and university in Gaza, every hospital and clinic, every library, theater and community center. Every market. And 60 percent of the homes.

This is why many, many Jews around the world and in the United States — and in New Paltz — have stood up and said: “NO! These war crimes will not be committed in my name as a Jew! Genocide is not a Jewish value! A Palestinian life is just as valuable as a Jewish life! And this is what the SUNY students were saying, Jews and non-Jews, in their encampment last month.

So Alexandra has nothing to apologize for. Nothing in her posts, nor in the posts of student activists, was an attack on Jews. We honor her. May she sail on to preside over many, many more spectacular gay pride parades in years to come.

Naomi Allen, on behalf of New Paltz Women in Black for Peace and Justice

P.S. It’s just plain racism that fears a word because it’s in Arabic. “Intifada” simply means “uprising.”

The Israel Federation does not speak for me

Dear Editor:

I write to protest the Jewish Federation of Ulster County calling for the resignation of New Paltz Deputy Mayor Alexandra Wojcik. As I understand it, the Deputy Mayor reposted a critique of the brutal police treatment of student protestors at SUNY New Paltz. This reposting resulted in the Jewish Congregation of New Paltz sending an open letter to Deputy Mayor Wojcik criticizing the use of "antisemitic" tropes. In particular, she was singled out for the post's reference to the "geopolitical interests of Zionism", which is strange, as Zionism is, quite simply a political movement which calls for a state in a particular geographical area. The article contains neither the "offending" post, nor the actual letter from the Jewish Congregation. Deputy Mayor Wojcik requested a meeting for discussion. Then, the Jewish Federation decided to pile on, by calling for her resignation.

It is entirely within the rights of a synagogue, or a church, or a mosque to ask for a meeting with an office holder who they believe may have written or endorsed what they perceive to be language which is offensive to their congregants. It is, however, undemocratic for an organization to demand the resignation of an office holder.

The Ulster County Jewish Federation should more rightly be named the Ulster County Israel Federation, as their sole purpose appears to be defense of Israel. The Israel Federation is so extreme in their support of Israel that they are currently embarked on blocking a ceasefire resolution in Kingston, at the same time that tens of thousand of Israelis are demonstrating in the streets of Israel demanding a ceasefire. They are organizing, using hysterical language to block a ceasefire resolution at the same time that the US is promoting a ceasefire plan for Israel, which Hamas is willing to accept.

The Israel Federation does not speak for me. I am an American Jew, not Israeli, Israel is not my country, and never was.

Marcy London

Women in Black support Deputy Mayor Alexandria Wojcik

Stop Attacks on New Paltz Deputy Mayor Wojcik

New Paltz Women in Black support Deputy Mayor Alexandria Wojcik and reject attacks on her for reposting statements from the SUNY student encampment about Zionism.

Zionism is a 19th-century philosophy from the Age of Colonialism, offering a Jewish homeland at the expense of the indigenous Palestinians who already had a thriving civilization in that region. Palestine was NEVER a land without people for people without a land. Early Zionists--and even today's Zionist leaders--were quite frank about the need to remove the native population from the land in order to secure it for Jews only. 

Just as Netanyahu and his government and the "extremist" Israeli settlers in the West Bank, and the Israeli army with its snipers and bulldozers, are forcing Palestinians off their land every day--killing them, burning their homes, uprooting their olive trees, scattering their flocks--in just that way Israel is trying to destroy as much Palestinian life and culture as possible in its war on Gaza. Israel has not just aimed at Hamas fighters; it has destroyed every school and university in Gaza, every hospital and clinic, every library, theater, and community center. Every market. And 60 percent of the homes. 

This is why many, many Jews around the world and in the United States--and in New Paltz--have stood up and said: "NO! These war crimes will not be committed in my name as a Jew! Genocide is not a Jewish value! A Palestinian life is just as valuable as a Jewish life! And this is what the SUNY students were saying, Jews and non-Jews, in their encampment last month.

So Alexandria has nothing to apologize for. Nothing in her posts, nor in the posts of student activists, was an attack on Jews. We honor her. May she sail on to preside over many, many more spectacular Gay Pride Parades in years to come.

Naomi Allen, for New Paltz Women in Black for Peace and Justice

P.S. It's just plain racism that fears a word because it's in Arabic. "Intifada" simply means "uprising."