Why do they fear us?

Come join us; stand with New Paltz Women in Black this and every Saturday between 12:30 and 1:30PM in front of the Elting Library.

Why do they fear us? It’s because they have lost the battle of ideas. Attempts at smearing the movement for a free Palestine as being anti-semitic is no longer a viable trope because this multiethnic, international movement is being lead by Jews with a proud history of fighting injustice.

Now the occupation forces are attacking Rafah, the last possible place for the masses of displaced Palestinians to go. It was supposed to be a safe zone, but It looks more like the rogue state’s “final solution.” It was supposed to have been Biden’s redline. But the genocide continues.. People are being burned alive in their tents. Meanwhile the White House spokespersons, barely able to maintain a straight face, try to tell us otherwise as the flow of weapons continue.

Here in this country, in coordinated attacks, in full military regalia, the full power of the state is on display as police beat and arrest our students. The level of brutality is outrageous. Our children who are the conscience of our society are brutalized by the police. They beat us to silence us. They fire us from our jobs for speaking up for the children being burned alive with white phosphorus and being blown apart with 2000 pound bombs. They drag cowardly college presidents before McCarthyite tribunals. They have lost the battle of ideas so they try to stop the conversation with lies and repression. If you want to know what you would have done during the Nazi genocide, just look at what you are doing now!

The International Criminal Court (ICC) should be and hopefully soon will be including in their prosecution, the war criminals in Washington enabling this genocide: members of our own government which has been funding, arming and giving diplomatic cover to the murderous Zionist regime. As US president Biden has famously stated, “if there were no Israel we would have had to invent one”…it’s like a giant aircraft carrier in that oil-rich region. We, as working people have no interest in the ongoing financing of this racist ethnostate. Our money can be better spent here at home.

Like Naziism and South African Apartheid, Zionism is a cancer. It is a stain on humanity. It is an ideology of hate, of white-supremacy, of ethnic cleansing. And as we watch, live-streamed on our cell phones, GENOCIDE. The Zionist ethnostate is a colonial project that must be and will be defeated and dismantled. And just as the world, collectively, defeated Naziism and Apartheid, we will defeat the hatred that is Zionism, through our collective efforts, which include Boycott, Divestment and Sanctioning (BDS) as well as pressuring and exposing our elected representatives, educating our neighbors and building a sustainable movement to combat this and other hateful ideologies and militarism.
