Getting Restless

The empire is getting restless. It's principal ally and war criminal in the Middle East, Netanyahu, is facing arrest by the International Criminal Court. The International Court of Justice has studied the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza and identified it as a genocide. Next comes an international embargo by the vast majority of countries in the world that know apartheid and crimes against humanity when they see them.

The empire and Israel were the last two countries in the world supporting Apartheid South Africa. It's a familiar story, two nations willing to commit wanton acts of wholesale murder in the pursuit of military domination and wartime profits.

But the empire is coming apart at the seams. It's newest generation is disgusted at the charnel house of Gaza and is ready to march against racism and colonialism. Two thirds of Americans now side with the victims of Israel's killing machine. Are the times, in fact, a-changing?

New laws are being passed stripping not for profit status from any organization critical of Israel. Churches, colleges and unions could be destroyed for talking about Palestinian human rights. And that's not all. Other laws are being passed identifying all criticism of Israel as antisemitic. The empire will destroy our freedom of speech to keep the slaughter going.

Will America finally wrap itself in the cloak of the Holocaust to silence its worldwide critics. The Zionist billionaires and the white nationalists will have us all goose stepping into this dystopian future. Rise up, fight back!

Fred Nagel