I am appalled at NYU's decision to terminate employment of Hesen Jabr.

Dear Director Austin Bender:

As a retired Physician Assistant and NYU Graduate, Master's in Public Health, I am appalled at NYU's decision to terminate employment of Hesen Jabr, RN, immediately after she received an award her for her work with bereaved mothers.

In her award acceptance speech, Ms. Jabr referenced the grief experienced by mothers in Gaza at the deaths of their born and unborn children, and regretted that she could not hold their hands as they grieved. She referred to the death of over 36,000 human beings (the majority of those women and children) in Gaza as a genocide. 

A case to charge Israel with the crime of genocide has been brought before the International Court of Justice. Nine countries have signed on to South Africa's case, as well as over 500 Israeli citizens. The court has issued interim rulings ordering Israel to scale back its attacks and increase humanitarian aid, rulings which Israel has ignored.

Anyone who can read a newspaper is aware of the devastating suffering, death and destruction willfully visited on Gaza's civilians and its healthcare system, medical providers and infrastructure. 

NYU Langone's termination of an exemplary employee for expressing pain and horror at these injustices makes me unable to at any time recommend that friends, family, or former patients seek medical treatment at any NYU facility. As an alumni, I will be very sure to make no donations to NYU.


Marcy London