To The Newshour:

In her 5/27/24 interview by Amna Nawaz, retired Israeli Col. Pnina Baruch stated that Hamas is opposed to peace and that “…if it remains in power [there] would never be a peaceful resolution to the conflict.”  However, in 2006 Khaled Meshal, political leader of Hamas, stated that, “…if Israel withdraws to the 1967 borders [between Israel and the Palestinian territories], there could be peace and security in the region…” (“Hamas sets out conditions for peace,” The Guardian 2/8/2006). 

 According to “Israel’s Insane War” by Patrick Seale (The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, March 2009), Meshal reiterated Hamas’ willingness to accept this solution (which implies acceptance of Israel). And in 2017 Hamas again reconfirmed its willingness to do so. (“Hamas accepts Palestinian State With 1967 borders,” 5/2/2017. Netanyahu, however, rejected these overtures, claiming Hamas was trying to “fool the world.”  
Perhaps it was too much to expect Nawaz to point out Hamas’ peace proposals to Col. Baruch. But it behooves The Newshour to promptly make its viewers aware of them.  
Gregory DeSylva