Dear Congressman Ryan

Dear Congressman Ryan,

I would have thought by now that you  would have realized that what you believe to be “widely understood to be a call for Israel’s destruction” is quite specific to your demographic, political leaning, and possibly in your case, who you are getting campaign money from. As a Jewish American person, I understand Tlaib’s comment in the context in which is was made and am not even remotely offended by it. I am grateful and proud of her for bringing the viewpoint of the Palestinians (those you may refer to as Arabs) to the table, where the complexities and injustices must be addressed and the role of the US government must be questioned. I am all for the right of my brethren to exist in Israel, I am not in support of any violence, whether it is by Hamas or the Israeli forces, and I see a genocide that your defense of the censure of Tlaib seems to support.

Here is an article from The NY Times,, that would give credence to what I am talking about in regards to the censure. At this point I would hope that you could admit that censure was a mistake that resulted from your lack of understanding and that you would endeavor to seek insight so that you can support the right to live and thrive to all people worldwide, but specifically in Gaza at this moment.

"From the river to the sea” is a call for freedom and justice and peace when spoken by Rashida Tlaib. I would urge you to have a conversation with her, and tell her that one of your constituents asked you to do so. And be humble and apologize for your lack of understanding and then listen to her. It will make you a better congressperson.

I would appreciate a response to this message.

Cary Kittner