To stay human

To the Editor:

Were innocents beheaded by Hamas  knives?  Maybe? Were innocents beheaded by IsraeliDefenseForces Hellfire missiles launched from Apache helicopters and drones?  Definitely.  Both invoke terror and  are acts of terrorism.  One terrorist rips a knife blade across the throat.  The other clicks  a mouse  on a remote computer miles away.  Both acts result in  the murder and mutilation  of innocents.  In the last few days IDF missiles and bombs have decapitated, incinerated, suffocated, mutilated and buried  thousands of innocent Palestinians in Gaza (including over three thousand  children).   

The murder and mutilation of innocents is simply unacceptable.  Whether it’s an individual terrorist with a knife or a government inflicting  collective punishment  and genocide with high-tech weaponry.  Intentionally targeting  innocents  is abhorrent, reprehensible, wrong and illegal.  These terrorist acts dehumanize  the perpetrators who murderously attempt to deny and exterminate  the humanity and sanctity  of their victims.  We must all demand an end to all acts which intentionally murder and mutilate innocents.  To stay human we all need to condemn the violence and brutality unfolding before our very eyes.  Please do something.  Please say something.  Please.
