Please consider standing with Women In Black

Dear friends,
The Zionist project continues it’s genocide of unspeakable violence and cruelty.  Slaughtering and wantonly exterminating women, men, children, babies, and killing, wounding and maiming anything that breathes -  like donkeys, horses, dogs and cats.  There are truly no words.  It is all being done before our very eyes.  There have been genocides before,  but never seen in real time with real images on screens in our hands or on our laps.  Please consider standing with Women In Black on Saturdays from 12:30-1:30 in front of the Elting library in New Paltz.  Also, having been inspiried by Rev. Dr. Muenther Issac from Palestine, I am planning on visiting local churches to distribute the new flyer below.  If you would like to join me please send me an email - or call or text - 845-591-4925.  Hope you are all well. with love and prayers,
