NOT Jewish arrogance

To the Editor:

The Zionist entity called Israel is doomed.  The economy is in free fall - GDP down by 20%, Intel cancelled it’s $26 Billion project,  international shipping (thanks to the Houthis) has ceased, 46,000 small businesses have closed (mostly due to owners and employees drafted into military  service).  

Airlines refuse to fly to Israel.   Militarily, Israel has lost.  Hezbollah strikes in the north have caused   hundreds of thousands of Israelis to flee. The Houthis have crippled Israeli ports.  Hamas continues to  defeat the IDF.  (Jon Elmer, Resistance Reports at  Israel admits running out of tanks because Hamas is destroying them so fast.   

IDF casualties are in the thousands and the army now needs to draft Orthodox Jews.  Morally and ethically Israel has descended to depths of depravity hard to comprehend.  Genocide, starvation, torture (including rape), weaponizing disease, bombing, maiming, incinerating, and burying alive helpless women, children, and men. Latest estimate of civilian Palestinian deaths 186,000.  This ghastly tragedy is the direct result of Zionist (let’s be clear, NOT Jewish) arrogance, and settler/colonialist racism  which are used to  justify Zionist theft of farms, land, and homes from Palestinians and then to brutally occupy , abuse, humiliate, and oppress them for 75 years. The Zionist state of Israel, and her supporters, have made the world more dangerous for Jews.  Sadly,  the Zionists don’t seem to care about the fate of Jews.   Zionism is collapsing.  Hopefully,  the Arabs and Jews will be able to create a new Palestine where Jews and Arabs can live together peacefully as they have done for hundreds of years prior to the disastrous appearance of Zionism.  

Eli Kassirer