Lke a bad parent

My country is like a bad parent who never really changes his abusive habits. He sent me off to war in 1967, only to have all the lies come back to haunt him. He killed two million Vietnamese along with 58,000 US troops, and never even said he was sorry.

In the 1980s, he was training death squads in Central America, and arming them to commit atrocities in Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador. And after all that bloodletting, he never whispered a word of remorse.

The invasion of Iraq was another inexcusable moment for my American family. The invasion was all based on his lies about weapons of mass destruction, and again we murdered millions of innocent people. But our media hid most of the slaughter from us, and neither political party thought to condemn his obvious war crimes.

Now our parent is paying for and perpetuating the worst genocide of the 21st century. True to form, he never bothers to look at the torture, the starvation, the endless bombing of hospitals and schools in Gaza. The charnel house of US wars reminds us once again of how criminal our parent really is. And how dangerous. His wars abroad are based on carnage, and that is what our shameless parent is very good at. He sees some strategic goal in the eradication of the Palestinian people and there is nothing that can stop him. Not even the slaughter of 20,000 children.

Our murderous parent will bring our American family down one day.  

Fred Nagel

Please consider standing with Women In Black

Dear friends,
The Zionist project continues it’s genocide of unspeakable violence and cruelty.  Slaughtering and wantonly exterminating women, men, children, babies, and killing, wounding and maiming anything that breathes -  like donkeys, horses, dogs and cats.  There are truly no words.  It is all being done before our very eyes.  There have been genocides before,  but never seen in real time with real images on screens in our hands or on our laps.  Please consider standing with Women In Black on Saturdays from 12:30-1:30 in front of the Elting library in New Paltz.  Also, having been inspiried by Rev. Dr. Muenther Issac from Palestine, I am planning on visiting local churches to distribute the new flyer below.  If you would like to join me please send me an email - or call or text - 845-591-4925.  Hope you are all well. with love and prayers,


Justice for Palestinians Under Siege

And mine: Justice for Palestinians Under Siege

Recently your front page coverage has included the death of Bob Barker, the modernization of Cairo, and Trump’s latest lies, yet in the West Bank, Palestinians have been under attack by settlers and the IDF for months. Where are reports on Israel’s escalation of its genocide in Gaza to Ramallah, Jenin, Tulkarm, and other cities, an escalation silently enabled by the US and loudly condemned by the ICJ, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, humanitarian groups like Amnesty International, and millions around the world? Doesn’t the murders of 652 Palestinians, including 150 children, in the West Bank and occupied East Jerusalem since October 7 qualify as front page news? While the Times buries reports of West Bank violence, if it covers them at all, Israel’s foreign minister boasts of a major military operation to “thwart Islamic-Iranian terrorist infrastructure,” an operation that will surely perpetuate, not end, this atrocity.


Here's my LTE to NYT:

Encouraged by the world’s failure to stop its genocidal rampage in Gaza, Israel is now spreading the carnage to the West Bank with overnight raids and aerial bombardment. They are “allowing” Palestinians to “safely leave the area.” We can see where this is going. Who can doubt at this point that the goal is the elimination of the Palestinian population, by death or forced emigration? Israel is counting on the US to keep up the support in the form of armaments, rhetoric, and billions of dollars-- a reasonable assumption based on the US’s stance so far. Those who can witness these horrors without opposing them have abandoned their humanity.

Jo Salas

NOT Jewish arrogance

To the Editor:

The Zionist entity called Israel is doomed.  The economy is in free fall - GDP down by 20%, Intel cancelled it’s $26 Billion project,  international shipping (thanks to the Houthis) has ceased, 46,000 small businesses have closed (mostly due to owners and employees drafted into military  service).  

Airlines refuse to fly to Israel.   Militarily, Israel has lost.  Hezbollah strikes in the north have caused   hundreds of thousands of Israelis to flee. The Houthis have crippled Israeli ports.  Hamas continues to  defeat the IDF.  (Jon Elmer, Resistance Reports at  Israel admits running out of tanks because Hamas is destroying them so fast.   

IDF casualties are in the thousands and the army now needs to draft Orthodox Jews.  Morally and ethically Israel has descended to depths of depravity hard to comprehend.  Genocide, starvation, torture (including rape), weaponizing disease, bombing, maiming, incinerating, and burying alive helpless women, children, and men. Latest estimate of civilian Palestinian deaths 186,000.  This ghastly tragedy is the direct result of Zionist (let’s be clear, NOT Jewish) arrogance, and settler/colonialist racism  which are used to  justify Zionist theft of farms, land, and homes from Palestinians and then to brutally occupy , abuse, humiliate, and oppress them for 75 years. The Zionist state of Israel, and her supporters, have made the world more dangerous for Jews.  Sadly,  the Zionists don’t seem to care about the fate of Jews.   Zionism is collapsing.  Hopefully,  the Arabs and Jews will be able to create a new Palestine where Jews and Arabs can live together peacefully as they have done for hundreds of years prior to the disastrous appearance of Zionism.  

Eli Kassirer