What we learn in 4 minutes

What we learn in 4 minutes by A Martínez and Greg Myre (aired at 6:35 am on Thursday morning, April 18, 2024).

According to NPR: "Israel is fighting Hamas in Gaza, with Hezbollah in Lebanon, and now directly with Iran. How are the conflicts linked, and how does it intend to handle all three at once?"

For each conflict, we are told that Israel was attacked first, and is only responding in self defense. For Gaza there is no mention of 75 years of occupation and murder of Palestinian civilians. For Iran, there is no mention of Israel's attack on its diplomatic mission in Syria. For Hezbollah, its rockets are pure aggression.

Omitted completely is Israel's genocide, with 15,000 children killed. No mention of Palestinian suffering or ethnic cleansing at all.

I am sending this out to hundreds in your listening area. We will no longer support "news" like this, which is so obviously Israeli propaganda. This report is also an insult to your listeners. We may have accepted this type of reporting in the past, but we will simply stop funding it now.

Fred Nagel