I happen to be a Jew and a veteran and I have traveled to the West Bank

As far as Columbia student occupations and others like it around the country, what Biden said below and what you repeat in your CNN’s 5 Things  newsletter is abject bullshit. I happen to be a Jew and a veteran and I have traveled to the West Bank. I have seen the brutal apartheid and occupation personally. What  is going on in Gaza is genocide and there is no excuse for it or denial. CNN is part of the problem, not the students! The Zionist rabbi you  quote is betraying all that is decent in Judaism. All this blown-up hype about antisemitism is to cover up and obscure the crime of occupation and genocide that Biden and Israel, with the support of unfortunately a large percentage of their population are committing. CNN is aiding and abetting that crime. The students, many of who are Jewish have awakened and seen through the lies and are calling for an end to the slaughter! They are not anti-semitic. And neither am I. I well know that what I say will not change the corporate money addicted minds at CNN. As I said, CNN is part of the problem and we know that. Just want you to know that many see through the bullshit and that eventually the truth will assert itself. Then CNN and a system that is fueled by and perpetrates itself by genocide, war and violence will collapse, as it should.

Tarak Kauff