An Israeli soldier’s story

You all know I’ve been to Palestine twice with other VFP members, and have long been very interested in the Israeli/Palestinian situation. Some years ago, I had dinner with a former IDF soldier, Eran Efrati in NYC at a friend’s house. She wanted us to meet. That same friend just sent me this link to a talk Eran gave on March 3, 2014 in Denver. It’s 40 minutes. I can sincerely say I have never, ever seen or heard or read anything about Palestine so powerfully delivered and that so related six years ago to what is happening in Portland these past 60 days. His talk is very intense. I was close to crying a few times from the emotional impact .. . and there is, as you almost always find from Israeli anti-zionists, humor as well. I’d say it’s something everyone should watch. You’ll see what I mean. His ending (don’’t skip to it) is surprising.

The 40 minutes went by timelessly. I was not aware of time passing. That’s how powerful and pertinent it is. 

An Israeli soldier’s story

Tarak Kauff