Poster boy for this massacre of the innocents

How does one go on as normal? 20,000 children face starvation in Gaza. It is not the result of some natural disaster, but a calculated step in ethnically cleansing all Palestinians from a greater Israel. We know who gives the orders: Netanyahu, who has the honor of speaking to the US Congress this week. We know who is paying billions to keep the genocide going, and that is you and I. We even know who is blocking any effective action by the United Nations: our venal Congress, stuffed to the gills with bribes from the Israel Lobby and the all powerful US weapons makers. Finally, we know how this starvation is kept under wraps by our state controlled media. The inhumanity and butchery of the US/Israeli genocidal alliance is seldom covered.

That is why we seldom see their collapsed little bodies and swollen bellies. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have already been killed. There are no hospitals and schools, all bombed out by US supplied planes and bombs. There is no shelter because Gaza is nothing but pulverized rubble. There is no potable water or sewage systems, all Israeli targets in the worst genocide of this century. And the children are eating grass and dying in droves.

Our Representative Pat Ryan, with ties to the US weapons industry and recipient of over $213,000 in pro-Israel bribes this year alone (, could be the poster boy for this massacre of the innocents. Why don't you tell him?
(845) 443-2930

Fred Nagel
8 Clay Ct.
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
845 430 4676