The children eat animal feed

In Gaza, the children eat animal feed, the lucky ones who find it. Those without carry their pans and bowls around, looking for anything to fill them.

In the past, such things would be hidden from us. We were mostly spared what our military machine did to children in Korea or Viet Nam. In both invasions and occupations, the US killed millions and bombed whole countries to rubble. Many citizens suspected what was going on, but didn't have to face it. This time, there is no end to pictures of desperate children. Their bowls will remain empty, and we will eventually see their small bodies curled up somewhere in the blasted concrete.

I would like to forget feeding Joe Biden for a couple of days, just so he knows what it's like. I would like to shut off water to the Pentagon so they have to drink from their toilets. I wish I could take all the money that Rep. Pat Ryan gets from the criminal pro-Israel Lobby and spend it on bread for Gaza. I would like to burn my tax dollars so that they don't buy missiles and bombs for those monsters who kill the children in God's name.

Our Military Industrial Complex is the most sinister organization in the world. They plan how to enrich themselves by butchering civilians in the Third World.

"Let me ask you one question, Is your money that good? Will it buy you forgiveness, Do you think that it could?"            -Bob Dylan

Fred Nagel

Poster boy for this massacre of the innocents

How does one go on as normal? 20,000 children face starvation in Gaza. It is not the result of some natural disaster, but a calculated step in ethnically cleansing all Palestinians from a greater Israel. We know who gives the orders: Netanyahu, who has the honor of speaking to the US Congress this week. We know who is paying billions to keep the genocide going, and that is you and I. We even know who is blocking any effective action by the United Nations: our venal Congress, stuffed to the gills with bribes from the Israel Lobby and the all powerful US weapons makers. Finally, we know how this starvation is kept under wraps by our state controlled media. The inhumanity and butchery of the US/Israeli genocidal alliance is seldom covered.

That is why we seldom see their collapsed little bodies and swollen bellies. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have already been killed. There are no hospitals and schools, all bombed out by US supplied planes and bombs. There is no shelter because Gaza is nothing but pulverized rubble. There is no potable water or sewage systems, all Israeli targets in the worst genocide of this century. And the children are eating grass and dying in droves.

Our Representative Pat Ryan, with ties to the US weapons industry and recipient of over $213,000 in pro-Israel bribes this year alone (, could be the poster boy for this massacre of the innocents. Why don't you tell him?
(845) 443-2930

Fred Nagel
8 Clay Ct.
Rhinebeck, NY 12572
845 430 4676

Enablers of another holocaust

What can one do when our government provides the bombs and the bullets for the Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people? The current slaughter in Gaza is much worse than the Nakba of 1948, when Israel killed a few thousand while pushing three quarters of a million Palestinians from their ancestral homeland. In Gaza, Israel is just murdering as many Palestinians as it can. It is just an extermination.

Perhaps this slaughter is occurring because the US has encouraged such bloodletting in the past. Our country has always been there to support the worst of Israeli excesses. So machine gunning a long line of starving Palestinians waiting for food trucks is just another step in the moral depravity that our country has learned to live with.

Israel is the wayward child of the American Empire. It is the serial killer that the US has always coddled and protected, no matter what the body count has been. The horror of exterminating 12,000 children makes us all despair. Our country's parenting has created this killing machine, and all we can do is watch the children be bombed, shot and starved to death.

We can point to villains, of course. Like Senators Gillibrand and Schumer, who have grown rich from supporting Israel. We can embarrass Representative Pat Ryan for his huge, pro-Israel bribes. But that is not enough to save our souls. We are the enablers of another holocaust, and the mark of Cain will remain, even after our empire crumbles into dust.

Fred Nagel

They don't mind how much blood is lost

The children are starving in Gaza. Tens of thousands of them. Their hunger and suffering is part of the purposeful extermination of Palestinians by Israel and the United States. It is just another of the crimes against humanity, planned and implemented by the American Axis of Evil in the Middle East.

Our recent presidential debate reveals how little our political elite care about war crimes. There is Biden, who just can't stop sending billions in ammunition and bombs to Israel. There is Trump, who openly states that he will eradicate the people of Gaza even faster. Then there is Worm Hole Kennedy, a born again Zionist. To make sure that no candidate in the debate dares question the use of starvation as a war tactic, two right wing, Zionist CNN commentators were chosen as moderators.

That would be five lovers of apartheid debating just how many more need to die in Gaza. How many more shot, bombed or starved to death by the unholy alliance, the last, great Judeo-Christian crusade to capture the Holy Land for their Gods: Big Oil and the Military Industrial Complex.

In 1968 we had an election between "Tricky Dick" Nixon, and "Dump the Hump" Hubert Humphrey, both solidly behind a continuation of the US war crimes in Vietnam. 35,000 young Americans were to die from that election. So would a million Vietnamese.

The billionaire elites are stacking our election again. They want their money, and don't mind how much blood is lost. Just vote and keep your mouth shut!

Fred Nagel

Conflicts are proxy wars

It is easy to criticize violence and bloodshed, whether it be in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, or Palestine. There are always women and children being killed, and thousands more buried alive in the rubble. And the barbarism always feeds upon itself. As Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind."

That doesn't mean that there is no one to blame. Most of these conflicts are proxy wars, with the major powers (China, Russia, and the United States) confronting one another by laying waste to some Third World country. The United States is the most aggressive of the three, with 800 military bases around the globe. Of course, our country talks about freedom and human rights, but these wars aren't really about that at all.

England and the US created Israel as a colony in the Middle East. At the end of the WW I, Jews made up just 8% of the population in Palestine. WW II changed all that, with a huge influx of Jewish settlers who were not welcome in England or the US. In 1948, Jewish militias used terrorist tactics to clear 750,000 Arabs from the land they had lived on for centuries. The colonizers, looked the other way.

Israel has been using terror and ethnic cleansing ever since. There are now about 6 million Jews and 6 million Palestinians in the Holy Land. England and the US must undo their colony's apartheid and make peace, like England finally did in South Africa and Northern Ireland.


Fred Nagel