"Never Again" a genocide of any people

Dear Editors:

Jewish Israeli observers of the more than five month bombardment of Gaza, have stated that there is a genocide taking place. Four hundred Israelis co-signed South Africa's suit charging Israel with genocide. Over 32,000 Palestinians have been killed, most of those women and children. Israel prevents food aid from reaching Gaza, subjecting the population to starvation. Children have already starved to death. Virtually the entire population of almost 3 million human beings has been rendered homeless.

American Jewish groups do not all share the same views. Many American Jews, and groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace, If Not Now, Not in My Name, and others, share the alarm expressed by these Israeli observers. I have always believed that the words "Never Again" meant "Never Again" a genocide of any people. Because of this, I call for humanitarian aid to Gaza and a ceasefire now.
