What universe is this morally acceptable?

Senator Gillibrand:
I was sickened to read your comments blaming “bad intelligence” for opinions such as Senator Sanders’ that are critical of Israel’s actions in Gaza. Whatever privileged information you have access to, it cannot change the reality that we are witnessing with our own eyes: dead or orphaned or wounded children, devastated parents, bombed buildings, tens of thousands of people without shelter or food.
26,000 dead, including 11,000 children. Entire cities leveled. Almost an entire population displaced.

In what universe is this morally acceptable, Senator Gillibrand?
Hamas’s massacre on October 7 was an outrage. The subsequent obliteration, at a historically unprecedented pace, of Gazan lives, homes, universities, schools, hospitals, and a way of life is also an outrage, recognized by most of the world including the International Court of Justice as plausibly genocidal.
You are quoted as saying that Israel follows “all of the humanitarian agreements” in a “thoughtful, methodical way.” Murdering 11,000 children may indeed be “thoughtful and methodical” but it is not humanitarian. It is callous, brutal, and chilling to the bone.
You claim that there is no truth in “narratives” of occupation and white supremacy. This is simply bizarre. Are you denying Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories since 1967? Are you denying the explicit statements and actions of Israeli political leaders who pass laws that discriminate on the basis of ethnicity and describe Palestinians as vermin and sub-human?
You claim that a ceasefire would mean that the hostages are not returned. The opposite is true: an immediate and permanent ceasefire would save the hostages’ lives, at present greatly at risk from Israel’s bombardment.
Senator Gillibrand, I don't know what threats or promises have led you to your current position, but I implore you to step away from your Israel-can-do-no-wrong attitude. I implore you to join your colleagues in calling for a ceasefire, supported by 76% of Democratic voters. It is time for you to show courage and leadership.