Distracted from untold suffering

We forget. We dismiss, we deny, and we are distracted from untold suffering that surrounds us every day.  Not just in Palestine.  EVERY DAY  25,000 die of starvation worldwide.  In the US 772 women are raped or sexually assaulted EVERY DAY.  Twenty-three  million terrified animals are brutally slaughtered EVERY DAY  so we can consume  their flesh.  Extractive industries like mining, logging, and drilling cause suffering and devastation around the globe every day.   And yes,  it’s always about power, privilege, and profit.  And yes,  the perpetrators are often white men.

Many are members of  “big brother’s”  billionaire club  and are determined to commodify, monetize, and digitize all humanity and all life.  And we become numb and accept new normals that degrade  our humanity.  Don’t let Israels’ genocide and ethnic cleansing become normalized.  It’s not.  Don’t be desensitized by the daily reports of atrocities and deaths.  And don’t be fooled by the  well oiled and well financed Israeli/Zionist propaganda machine which spins out lies, distortions, and misinformation to a media that questions nothing.  

For the truth about the fabrications about  beheaded and burned babies or rape and sexual assaults on Oct. 7 read and/or listen to Max Blumenthal https://thegrayzone.com/2024/01/10/questions-nyt-hamas-rape-report/  -  There are more than 23.000 corpses (10,000 are children)  in Gaza, but no water, no food, no electricity. They have no voice, but we do.  Please speak out about  the ongoing  genocidal slaughter   in Gaza (made possible with your tax dollars). 

Eli Kassirer