Place in the history of genocide

At first, taking tens of thousands from the Israel Lobby seemed like a no-brainer to Rep. Pat Ryan. Who knows really where the money comes from? Some very rich "philanthropists" with close ties to Israel just like giving their money to members of Congress. And so many are on the take:

Schumer, Charles      $546,007
Warnock, Raphael   $489,917
Jeffries, Hakeem     $439,790
Menendez, Robert   $109,800

It is only when push comes to shove, that this yearly dole becomes something else. Those free trips to Israel and all that money take on a darker meaning. You are asked to support an apartheid state committing genocide on millions of Palestinians. You have to explain why you back the killing of 2,500 children in less than two weeks. You have to defend the death march of 2.3 million, without food, water or shelter. And you are called upon to promote even more billions in military aid to Israel when it somehow runs out of bombs. All of a sudden, Pat Ryan finds he has blood on his hands, and like Macbeth, all of "Neptune's ocean" won't clean them off again.

The familiar canards won't work anymore. Is Israel just defending itself as it forces millions of civilians on a death march? That's like the Nazis claiming self defense while Jews and Romani are shipped to Auschwitz. Pat Ryan will have his own place in the history of the Palestinian genocide. For he has sold his soul to virulent racism and ethnic cleansing, like most members of Congress.

Fred Nagel