Teaching the Palestinian side of what is happening

 I can't see what is wrong with teaching the Palestinian side of what is happening.

When Great Britain  decided  that the Jewish people  should be given Israel after World War 11 , it was much like settlers in what is now the USA  being  given settling homesteads in  Native American lands 

Here the  Native Americans were  promised, tricked , moved , killed and subjugated. Much the same thing is happening  now to the Palistinians under Israel's occupation.

To show the reality of how the Palestinian people also had rights to the land on which they are living  is a good thing. Palestinians  have been marginalized while their homeland is  taken away  piece by piece  by every illegal settlement is built in land outside of Israel's original borders.

Israel's boundaries have expanded, while  Palistin's have shrunk. When the Palistinians  rightfully  rebel against this occupation and theft of  their land and  Israel's  misuse of  military power against them  It is time the whole story is taught.

The United States sponsors  the Illegal settlements  and Israel's military build so as to have an ally in the Middle East..while continuing the myth that the Palistinians  don't really exist.

Three cheers for Bard for bringing this discussion into their school

-Antonia  Weidenacher