Schenectady High School email stirs controversy

Regarding your article today "Schenectady High School email stirs controversy...." you use the words "complex" and "nuance."  A military occupation of another people, persisting for 74 years so far, is neither complex nor nuanced.  It is simply an outrage, one that, bolstered by the US government's uncritical support for Israel, has largely been ignored by the rest of the world.  Criticism and reporting on Israel's project to seize as much land as possible from Palestinians and force as many Palestinians to leave is well documented in the Israeli press, both in Hebrew and in English, through the statements of Israeli politicians and the enactment of laws privileging Jews worldwide over the Palestinians who live there. Calling this what it is is not anti-semitic.  In fact, implying all Jews would support Israel's actions is a slur.  I refer you to the Pew Center's recently released study showing that American Jews have widely differing views on Israel.  Less than half think Israel is essential to being Jewish. It's encouraging to see there is an on-going conversation on the issue. 

Lisa Mullenneaux