Ask Rep. Delgado to Support H.R. 2407

Ask Rep. Delgado to Support H.R. 2407
Israel, which receives $3.8 billion in annual U.S. foreign aid, has the distinction of being the only country in the world that regularly prosecutes between 500 - 700 children each year in military courts that lack fundamental fair trial rights and protections. Children in detention report physical and verbal abuse from the moment of their arrest, and coercion and threats during interrogations. Under Israeli military law, Palestinian children have no right to a lawyer during interrogation.

For this reason, in April 2019, Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) introduced H.R. 2407, the "Promoting Human Rights for Palestinian Children Living Under Israeli Military Occupation Act," a bill prohibiting U.S. taxpayer funding for the military detention and abuse of children by any country, including Israel. The legislation grows out of the No Way to Treat a Child campaign, a joint project of Defense for Children International-Palestine and the American Friends Service Committee. They believe the U.S. and Canadian governments must take concrete steps by holding Israeli authorities accountable for their violations of Palestinian children’s rights.

So far H.R. 2407 has garnered 23 cosponsors but not Antonio Delgado (D-NY), who represents District 19. Is there any reason not to support this legislation, which aligns U.S. foreign policy with international human rights law? Please join Jewish Voice for Peace-Hudson Valley and the Middle East Crisis Response by asking Delgado to endorse H.R. 2407.

Read more about McCollum’s bill and the No Way to Treat a Child campaign here:
Lisa Mullenneaux