At the world's peril

How do racist leaders come to power? That question is particularly important as our unapologetically racist President Trump readies himself for another run for office. 

A look at Trump's international "best friends" reveals some striking similarities. Many of these leaders came to power by unleashing racial and ethnic prejudices against vulnerable populations. In the US, Trump has attacked Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks, and immigrants while supporting white supremacists who want to rid our country of all people of color. 

Bolsonaro in Brazil, Netanyahu in Israel, Modi in India, and even Johnson in Great Britain have risen to power by stoking similar hatred towards minority groups. 

Bolsonaro spews his venom towards indigenous peoples: “It’s a shame that the Brazilian cavalry hasn’t been as efficient as the Americans, who exterminated the Indians.” 

Netanyahu treats the five million Palestinians under Israeli occupation in the same way. Speaking about Israel's apartheid wall, he said that it was necessary to “defend ourselves against the wild beasts."

Modi, a fervent Hindu Nationalist, has encouraged violence against millions of Muslims. Johnson has a long record of winning elections on hatred, having described Black English subjects as "flag-waving piccaninnies" with "watermelon smiles."

The goal of all this populist nationalism is to get rid of the "other," and to restore "greatness" to the dominant ethnic population. Of course a virulent misogyny and homophobia usually accompanies all these "patriotic" efforts.

Openly racist leaders in the 1930s led their willing citizenry to genocide. Today we tolerate such leaders at the world's peril. 

Fred Nagel