Other ways to support the orphans

In addition to taking advantage of the Council General's e-mail contact info Fred provided, please consider -- after reviewing the information at http://www.hebronorphans.blogspot.com -- sending a fax (1-202-364-5423) to Jeremy Issacharoff, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Israeli Embassy in DC, protesting the Israeli Army's campaign against ICS schools and orphanages in the West Bank city of Hebron.

Please also send a fax (011-972-3-569-9400) to the Israeli Defense Force's Public Appeals Officer, urging that the GOC rescind the closure orders issued against Hebron school and orphanage related properties and return all properties confiscated subsequent to those orders or -- where that's not possible -- fully compensate the Islamic Charitable Society for property confiscated or destroyed.

If you'd like to phone Israel's political leaders and register complaints or suggestions with their offices, here are three to dial:
President Peres 011-972-2-670-7211 Prime Minister Olmert 011-972-670-5555 Deputy Prime Minister Barak 011-972-3-569-2010

For whatever contacts you are able to make, on behalf of the orphans and students, thank you. Paul and Katja