The Moral Issue Of Our Time
America's genocide in Gaza will someday come back to haunt us all. Generations to come will describe the empire that talked about human rights and freedom, while it slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians, and starved their children.
For proof of American's war crimes and crimes against humanity, historians need only look at last week's shameful events. As a parting gift to Israel, Genocide Joe is sending another 8 billion in bombs and missiles to get the job done faster. This while the House of Representatives is writing up a plan to sanction the International Criminal Court for its attempts to end the butchery.
To be honest, our Congress is awash in Zionist bribes. A quick look at reveals the tens of thousands going to almost every member of this unscrupulous and venal institution. For 2024 the Israel Lobby spent twice as much on bribes than even the weapons makers.
As many of us know, our government represents the interests of the billionaire elites rather than the workers of this country. They don't care about our own children, much less about the wandering hoards of Palestinian youths, crying about their murdered parents and looking for a piece of bread.
Our news media suffers from the same affliction. It is owned by the billionaires, just like Congress and our president. That leaves only us to resist the American genocide of the Palestinian people. It is the moral issue of our time, the true measure of our humanity.
Fred Nagel
Our murderous parent
My country is like a bad parent who never really changes his abusive habits. He sent me off to war in 1967, only to have all the lies come back to haunt him. He killed two million Vietnamese along with 58,000 US troops, and never even said he was sorry.
In the 1980s, he was training death squads in Central America, and arming them to commit atrocities in Nicaragua, Honduras, and El Salvador. And after all that bloodletting, he never whispered a word of remorse.
The invasion of Iraq was another inexcusable moment for my American family. The invasion was all based on his lies about weapons of mass destruction, and again we murdered millions of innocent people. But our media hid most of the slaughter from us, and neither political party thought to condemn his obvious war crimes.
Now our parent is paying for and perpetuating the worst genocide of the 21st century. True to form, he never bothers to look at the torture, the starvation, the endless bombing of hospitals and schools in Gaza. The charnel house of his wars reminds us once again of how criminal our parent really is. And how dangerous. His wars abroad are based on carnage, and that is what our shameless parent is very good at. He sees some strategic goal in the eradication of the Palestinian people and there is nothing that can stop him. Not even the slaughter of 20,000 children.
Our murderous parent will one day destroy our American family.
Fred Nagel
Over $17 Billion of your tax dollars
Imagine the agony of freezing to death or the horror of starving to death slowly while being crushed beneath tons of rubble from bombed out buildings. Imagine seeing your child incinerated before your very eyes. Imagine relentless drones, jets, and quad-copters circling above your head 24 hours a day. Imagine fighter jets, tanks, missiles and bulldozers bombing, burying, and blasting you, and your family and your neighbors ceaselessly. Imagine no hospitals, no food, no water, no heat, no electricity. Imagine no place to hide. No need to imagine. This describes Gaza as Israel exterminates and cleanses Palestinians from their homeland. (see for documentation)
I have a hard time wishing you a “Happy New Year” while genocide is being perpetrated by the Zionist entity called Israel with the full support and encouragement of our government. Over $17 Billion of your tax dollars have gone to Israel in the last year alone ( Sadly, our elected officials are bought off or intimidated by the powerful Israeli lobby (AIPAC) to place Israel’s interests above the interests of the American people. If any of this bothers you maybe it’s time to call the White House: 202-456-1111 or Pat Ryan:202-225-5614 and say, “No U.S. weapons or money to fund Israeli genocide.”
Although my heart is broken, I still pray that 2025 will bring an end to the genocide in Gaza, and that this year will bring peace and justice to Palestine, as well as, to all oppressed beings around the world. With love in my heart, and tears in my eyes, I wish you “Happy New Year.”
Eli Kassirer