Resisting the Right!

Resisting the Right!

Palestine lies in ruins, Lebanon is under siege, Syria is shattered, Iran and Yemen are targets. And Trump, Israel’s most loyal ally, looms over us like an angry beast.

We are warned that attacks on pro-Palestine movements will be relentless. Trump allies are calling for protestors on student visas to be deported and for others to be rounded up by the FBI.
All in the name of combatting antisemitism.
We know the hypocrisy behind the claim to combat antisemitism. What could be more antisemitic than the charge that the Jews as a people support mass murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing? It’s actually an old antisemitic trope that Jews are after the blood of others.
As Americans, we have a task, and that is to resist the ruling class’s own antisemitism, along with its militarism and imperialism, with all our might, our courage, and our decency .
During Trump’s first term, Women in Black dedicated its vigils to the topic of Resistance. Trump 2 promises to be more dangerous than Trump 1, and our resistance must be stronger, clearer, braver and more organized.
The majority of Americans are against the U.S.-Israeli assault on Gaza, the West Bank and other Middle Eastern lands. We are part of that majority. We need to unite with all the groups that are fighting for the survival of the Palestinian people and against the brutal war that is threatening their existence, along with the existence of their neighbors. We need to grow as a movement, put aside some of our differences, and focus on U.S. and Israeli militarism and the big money that supports it.
They have the money, but we have the numbers.

Stand with us for Gaza, this Saturday and every Saturday, 12:30-1:30, in front of Elting Library on Main Street!     

A world of difference

Virtually every time Israel attacks Gaza it blames Gaza’s civilian casualties on Hamas “human shielding.” This propaganda works to neutralize criticism of Israel‘s war on Gaza, shifting the blame from the Zionist colonizer to the indigenous Palestinians who are simply defending their land and lives. Through its long-term, ongoing ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, Israel has concentrated them into smaller and smaller areas - especially Gaza - making it one of Earth’s most densely populated places.

Gaza’s civilians and militants are in such close proximity because Zionist Israel has forced them to be – just as Nazi Germany concentrated Jewish civilians and militants in the Warsaw Ghetto as a step toward eliminating them. Consequently, there’s virtually no place from which Gaza’s militants – like their Warsaw Ghetto counterparts – are/were able to resist other than from the proximity of their civilians.

There’s a world of difference between this and human shielding, which involves intentionally positioning civilians between the resistance and the enemy. These realities also make a mockery of Israel’s ceaseless efforts to portray Gaza’s civilian casualties as “proportional” to its military objectives. Israel has no legitimate military objectives in Gaza. Its aim to ethnically cleanse most of Palestine is the prime source of the horrendous death and destruction, and its framing of Palestinian resistance to its criminal agenda as “human shielding” is the height of Orwellian doublespeak. Hamas is not practicing it any more than the Warsaw Ghetto Jews were.

